Sunday, January 3, 2010

New Concept Makes PCs More Aesthetically Appealing, Literally Greener

New Concept Makes PCs More Aesthetically Appealing, Literally Greener

New PC concept from designer Luis Luna make the desktop appear more appealing visually,and give it the ability to offset at least a small amount of the CO2 it produces during its lifetime. The design gives a smoother look to the desktop as a sleek circular package. The center of this circle has a cavity to hold some soil, and provide enough ground to grow small plants.

The idea is to make the CPU a decorative piece and secure it with the idea of going green. Having a bit of greenery on the desk is never a bad thing, and it will also help keep the user charged with the idea of saving the environment. The small plant growing on the PC may not have a marked effect on the environment, or even be enough to completely offset the CO2 emissions related with the system. But it will be able to reduce a tiny amount of CO2, and with a large number of computers going green, it could have a marked effect, simply because of the numbers involved.


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